Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Thursday's Thirst-Quencher

Per Merriam-Webster: Quench\ˈkwench\, transitive verb. a: to bring (something immaterial) to end, typically by satisfying, damping, cooling, or decreasing b: to terminate by or as if by destroying; eliminate c: to relieve or satisfy with liquid

Lots of places I can go with this one. I could...quench one's thirst for a (insert name of cocktail here), or quench one's thirst for...knowledge..gossip..blood... Turns out, I have a few extra minutes this morning (as opposed to any other morning? lol.). Why not eliminate some literal and figurative thirst in one go?

Thirsty+Thursday=Almost Friday=Almost Happy Hour=Cocktail
A most logical equation if you ask me. Please don't ask Mrs. Krajewski, my Algebra II & III teacher (and one of my favorites), she would definitely find something wrong with it. And, come to think of it, you probably shouldn't ask me, I'm on the wagon at the moment. By no means does that imply that I cannot help out a friend(s) in need.

Mango Margarita

This is a personal favorite. I shared it on Facebook awhile back, but in case you weren't there (blink and it's gone sort of thing), here it is again.
1 1/2 ounces Cuervo Especial Gold, if you want your margarita to taste like sh*t
1 1/2 ounces of Patrón Silver, if you don't want it to taste like sh*t
3 ounces lime margarita mix
1 cup diced and peeled mangos-fresh is key. no frozen stuff.
1 1/2 tablespoons sugar
3/8 cup crushed ice
1 wedge lime
Rub rim of a margarita glass with half a lime and dip into sugar.
Add tequila, lime margarita mix, diced and peeled mangos, and crushed ice.
Mix in blender until smooth. Pour into the glass. Garnish with lime wedge.
Note: you can absolutely move up the ladder tequila-wise, but in my humble opinion that's a perfect waste of tequila.

Next up: Howz about we quench our thirst for blood?
Someone has to do it, or there wouldn't be any blood-thirsty people in the world, and that would take some of the fun out of life, no? I'm not talkin' Edward kinda quenchin', but we'll get there eventually (note to next Thursday). I was actually thinking more along the lines of Palin. Yeah, that's it...Palin. Yeah...GET HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay Guys, before we do that, let's step back a minute and ponder the ridiculousness that is this entire country up in arms because she wrote her notes on her hand at a friggin' tea party. I hate her as much as the next guy. I would be happy to see her permanently deported to Russia, which isn't really that far, because she can see it from her house. The kids could still come and visit. Lots of bears and moose* just waiting to be killed (I'm sure she could pull some strings and get her gun permits translated). It could work. I'd even be happy to serve on the committee to help her get her affairs in order. All that said, do we not have a few more pressing issues at hand (hee.hee.) that we could focus on?

*On an asinine Jessica Simpson 'Chicken of the Sea' sidenote, I strongly believe moose should be meese in the plural form.

Let's start with the fact that a Tea Party Movement even exists, and that it appears to be getting 'political legs' of its' own. Even more concerning than the fact that Tea Party demands appear to be one big pile of contradiction, or that this cutely-named snowball of a party may polarize American politics even further, is the fact that they would ever invite Sarah Palin to speak at their convention in the first place. Can I get an EGADS??!!

I am about as qualified to speak on any political topic as Failin' Palin is to run the country, or even dream about a GOP nomination in 2012. I believe she is a nightmare of a political figure. However, the whole 'notes on her hand' thing, like the aftermath of most political blunders, is nothing more than a crucifixion of the dead horse (while you're still beating it). Leave it, People. Nothing to see here. Move along.

And...just when I thought we weren't going to draw blood, I found this video clip. I'm not a huge Stephen Colbert fan, but this is funny sh*t. Taking my cue from Mr. Colbert here (watch the video) - If it's satire, then that means it's comedy, right? And if it's comedy, then you don't really mean it, right? And if you don't really mean it, then how could anyone claim bloodshed? Decide for yourselves.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Sarah Palin Uses a Hand-O-Prompter

Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorEconomy

If you haven't figured it out, the politics game doesn't interest me much, outside of the comedic relief it provides. I know...I really need to pay more attention. In my defense, I have a husband who is clued in enough for both of us. Doesn't that count?

A book arrived from Amazon yesterday. Obviously, something he ordered - Wingnuts: How the Lunatic Fringe is Hijacking America, John Avlon ( I read the foreward last night before I fell asleep. Actually, it put me to sleep. Joking. It was surprisingly interesting, and frightening at the same time. The book is basically a summary of Avlon's contributions for the last year to the Daily Beast (, The premise, bare bones, is basically that people on the extreme left and extreme right are equally loco and destroying American politics. Lots of great points, and even I can read it :)

I have decided that I am going to read the damn book, even if it kills me. Can't imagine anything more painful. And, I'm going to make myself read at least one article a day on Hubby's favorite website: the Cato Institute ( Bleh!! It's like telling me that I have to have brussel sprouts every day for breakfast. Did I mention?...Bleh!! Who knows, it could give us lots to talk about. It could be like foreplay... thinkin' probably not.

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