Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday's Franchise - Bit of Ricky, and a Coffee, To Go Please

First, song of the day, absolutely gorgeous, courtesy of Mr. Gervais (featured on his blog this week). Hem is an indie-rock band from NYC (

So, tonight is the premiere of The Ricky Gervais Show on HBO. I NEVER, ever plan my evening around anything on the 'idiot box', however will most definitely be found, parked in front of it, with the boys, at 9:00pm. You can actually already watch the first episode online ( Funny stuff. Stick with it if it doesn't grab you at first. It will. The three amigos...

Ricky and Steve just started work on a new show for BBC called Life's Too Short, starring Warwick Davis, who appeared on Extras. Very funny clip, with Warwick, Ricky and Steve. Just need to say...YAY!!! Another show from Ricky = laughing, followed by more laughing.

Crazy for Coffee

I am a coffee addict. My heart starts beating, my eyes only open, with the first sip of coffee in the morning. In light of National Coffee Day (kidding), Kerry's Franchise o' the Week is Nespresso coffee. I heart it very much. There are a bunch of these single-serve, push-the-button-and-go coffeemakers out there (Senseo, Home Cafe, Bunn My Cafe, Keurig, K-Cups, Nespresso, Tassimo...), but this one is by far the best. Hands down. If you are in the market, check out the blog archive on, just to get a feel for the products and read reviews. (
Or, just go straight to the source:
We've had the machine for about four years, and it is one of the few things, after children and pets (maybe not the hamster), and of course photos, that I would grab in the event of a fire. The capsules are mail-order only in the US, but they have a flat shipping rate of $6-7, and they arrive at your doorstep, usually the next day. If you buy a machine, you have to spend the extra moolah (around $100) and buy the Aeroccino, an amazing little frother-diddy. Click below to see The Making of a Caffè Latte - also found in the action/adventure section at Blockbuster. I would be totally lying if I said that this video doesn't make me somewhat aroused. I know, really need to work on getting a life. I love the background music...the "ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah" when the coffee is pouring into the glass...

On that note, need to make like the atom and split (eventually, I will run out of these). xo.


Unknown said...

I love Hem! Their album Rabbit Songs is one of my all-time favorites and I think Half Acre is on just about every playlist on my iPod.

Wendy said...

I'm a HUGE Ricky fan too! I'm loving your new and daily-updated blog! I hope you can keep it up without :)