Monday, September 17, 2007

Hello people. So, today I'm seriously going to get a life and get off of this computer, for at least a couple hours in the evening. I'm just so fascinated by all the things that I can add to my blog, I think I've reached the point where I might have to actually learn about wrappers and widgets and editing HTML. Maybe I'd be better off taking a webdesign class and just having my own website. Or, maybe I should just head back to the original plan of getting a life. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up, maybe I've hit the nail on the head here - I want to be a chiphead :)

Anyway, I've posted some new videos of the kids, which are a far cry from entertaining but provide an intimate but sad glimpse into our lives :) After quite a few attempts at uploading the videos using the Blogger software, I've decided that for larger files, YouTube is the way to go. And how friggin' cool is the video bar in the upper right hand corner, which just uses a 'tag' to link videos in from YouTube. You can still find videos in the body of my blog, the video bar is just a nifty little sidenote.

Not much else to share with you at the moment. Oh....actually, there is the joke of the day, albeit it sexist, inappropriate and in poor taste (obviously I'm really worked up about that, since I'm including it for your enjoyment). Apparently it's been nominated as the best short joke of the year:

A three-year-old boy is examining his testicles while taking a bath. "Mom," he asks, "are these my brains?" "Not yet," replies his mother.

I have also decided that it's fun to share things that I find on other peoples' blogs, while giving them full credit of course. As I mentioned yesterday, I haven't acquired the desire for mindless blog surfing just yet, but every once in awhile I do hit the 'next' button up top just to see where I go. Anyway, I found these two photos at Hope it's ok that I'm using it on my blog too, I don't want to offend anyone. If we can all just pass on a couple extra giggles a day, wouldn't the world be a better place? I guess I find myself being politically incorrect again (so much for not offending anyone). There seems to be a pattern developing here. It's not really a statement about Europeans vs. Americans, more a statement about why thong underwear is not intended for really large women.

Even funnier to me is the next one. And it could be that it's not funny at all, but it struck me as such. I do not think the task of locating and eradicating terrorism in today's crazy world should be taken lightly, but someone has to.

On that note, I'm off to pick Keira up from the kindergarten. Hope you all had a super Monday, and I will check back in a couple days. xo.

1 comment:

Cdn Finn Abroad said...

I'm loving all the videos and was the boys' first day of school?

Violet started her first day of Senior Kindergarten today, looking cute as a button in a red skirt and sweater outfit and little red riding hood booties...she's taken up ballet and tap, and goes one day/week to semi-private swimming lessons. Us parents, on the other hand, look toward TV and malt beverages for our entertainment (along with hanging with our cool neighbours, I must add). Nothin' much going on's about 18C today, unusually warm after a few cool past weeks.

Have a good rest of the day, chickie! Hi to Bill & the kidlets...and pls send me the 411 re: the Vienna job...I don't know anything about this...