On that topic, Mr. Matt Walsh's blog post from October 9th, titled Your A Stay-at-Home Mom, What Do You Do All Day? has popped up in my FB feed several times this week. Essentially, he is upset with the general viewpoint that staying at home with the kids all day is a luxurious, even fun, gig. Again I say, HA!!! I've been home for SIXTEEN years now, raising my children and taking care of things household related, even though Hubster will tell you (and I'll agree), I'm the worst housekeeper on the planet. Still, all things considered, my gig may be rewarding and sometimes entertaining, but it certainly doesn't fall into the 'fun' bucket. Would I love to jump back into the work force, bring home some bacon, find some personal satisfaction from being a necessary part of something, etc.? You bet your sweet potatoes I would. Guess what? Not as easy as it sounds, nor as lucrative.
You can read Matt's blog yourself via the link above, but here's my favorite part :) ...
The people who completely immerse themselves in the tiring, thankless, profoundly important job of raising children ought to be put on a pedestal. We ought to revere them and admire them like we admire rocket scientists and war heroes. These women are doing something beautiful and complicated and challenging and terrifying and painful and joyous and essential. Whatever they are doing, they ARE doing something, and our civilization DEPENDS on them doing it well. Who else can say such a thing? What other job carries with it such consequences?
Matt has had over 10,000 comments on that post...very interesting to read people's responses. I will move on now, as it wasn't my intention to blah, blah, blah about this. That said, I'd be lying if I said it doesn't get on my last freakin' nerve when people ask, and they do ask, what I do all day.
I haven't said word one about the government shutdown in the last few weeks, mostly because it's total bullocks and nothing more than a game of kick the can down the road. The whole thing is a disaster, in many people's opinion a ticking timebomb, and I'd just rather stick to making fun of politicians as opposed to actually listening to a thing that they say. Here are a group of kids that would no doubt do a better job running the country than those currently occupying those uber-important seats do:
So how's about a quick flick to the gossip of the week??? Secretly, I love this wayyyyy more than book reviews or intelligent conversations about the eventual demise of our society. Some highlights, coming, of course, from the most respected sources in rag-mag journalism:
1. Yesterday, Kim Kardashian, in an attempt to deflect attention from both last week's announcement that (1) Kris and Bruce are splitting AND (2) the news this week that Kylie and Kendall (both underage) were spotted in a sex-themed club in LA, has put her GINORMOUS ass out there in Instagramland for all to see. Quite funny, actually, that she is literally trying to block the other family drama WITH HER ASS. And did I mention? It is BIG! So is mine, but I don't put it on Instagram.
2. In even BIGGER news from TMZ this week, fox costumes are off the shelf this Halloween.
Stores just can't keep them stocked. Why, you ask, as though perhaps you have been living under a rock for the last month or so? Well, a song with about 130 million YouTube hits called What Does The Fox Say? is 100% responsible. Have you really not seen the video? Okay...here it is...
3. Kristen Bell (who I love, love, love) is officially off the market. She and Dax Shepard tied the know this week in LA at of all places, the courthouse. They already have a beautiful baby, so this was just the next logical step. Seriously, if I was a lesbian, I would totally marry her. Hello???....Veronica Mars is/was/will be one of the best shows of all time!!! Dax??? Well, he's a cutie pie in his own right. Yes, I'll admit it, I'm happy for them.
Now I shall share with you one of my favorite Kristen Bell moments...that time when she shares with Ellen how Dax got her a sloth to play with for her birthday...
How stinkin' cute can she possibly be. Also, for the record, the sloth is on the top-three list of animals that I want to own in my life time, along with a hedgehog and an alpaca. A girl can dream, right?
4. Gwen Stefani is prego with number three. YAY!!! Love Gwen and Gavin. Thinking they might be one of the Hollywood couples that actually makes it. How exciting for Kingston and Zuma that they will have a little brother or sister. Here's a pic of them out last night, debuting the little baby bump...
Photo courtesy of Perezhilton.com
5. Back to the Ellen Show. Here's a clip of Ellen interviewing Miley last week. I gotta tell ya, after seeing lots of interviews post-VMA mayhem, I have changed my tune a bit regarding Miley...
She's gotten a huge amount of flack for her performance, and everyone has seen that it's a bit over-the-top. That said, I've watched it, and her videos for Wrecking Ball and 23, and her performance on SNL last weekend. Yes, she's pushing the envelope, but guess what?? She has turned the music industry on it's ass for a minute and screamed LOOK AT ME!!!! And everyone is looking. Who's the dummy? She isn't necessarily a tart or a slut, she is just doing what those who have come before her have done. Think about Madonna, or Britney, or for that matter Lady Gaga. PS. Nobody mentioned what the Gaga was wearing at the VMA's, and it was basically a thong. Hello??
6. On the topic of Lady Gaga, her new album drops November 11th. Yay! Waiting patiently,
Love me some Gaga, don't care what anyone says. She is and probably always will be one to watch.
7. Who has come across the British band called London Grammar? Really good stuff. Love her voice. This doesn't really count as gossip, but I'm gonna share it anyway, and end on this note. Hey Now!!!!
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