Saturday, December 29, 2007

Hi Gang. Rushing around at the moment, trying to get ready to get on the road early tomorrow and out of dodge for a few days, so will just quickly post some photos and a couple videos from Christmas. We had a fantastic week. A houseful of our very good friends, some amazing culinary delights prepared by my hubby, and a couple big jugs of Mr.Takler's cheap-and-cheerful cuvée, made for a very special Christmas Eve. We couldn't get the boys in bed to save our lives, so I think it was around midnight when they finally konked out. Good thing the Tatrallyays were here to help Santa get that Playmobil dollhouse up and running, or we would have been up all night. A big thanks to Sue, Peter and Sarah. Manual labor aside, we are so happy that you could spend Christmas with us, it was so great to have you.

Keira was beyond delighted when she came down on Christmas morning and found her dollhouse sitting next to the tree, and she's spent hours and hours arranging and rearranging things. We finally moved it up to the little table in her room and she just sits there chatting away to all the (Playmobil) people coming and going, including a very strange mixture of the Christmas Playmobil people from Bethlehem and the North Pole. Baby Jesus can be found sitting by the fire, next to Frosty the Snowman. We're trying to keep the commercial nightmare that has become Christmas separate from the true Reason for the Season, but at 3 years old, she sees absolutely nothing wrong in mixing it up a bit. Anyway, enjoy the photos, and I will post some video as well.

Our good friends, the Tatrallyays (Sarah, Sue, and Peter)
Erika gave the boys bags of 'coal' (candy in disguise), which was fantastic. Can you imagine, they don't really even know what coal is, they just know it's something you get for Christmas when you're bad.

A headlight from Curt and Erika, now they are all set for night skiing.

A lampas lanyok.

Bill tried a new stout gingerbread recipe this year, which called for several bottles of Guinness. A hit in my book, think all would agree.
Cookie Monster.
A little elf...
We know what she wants for Christmas next year.

Just woke up, poor thing, couldn't even finish in the bathroom before I started snapping photos.
Upon discovery....
The gang's all here. Note the nativity scene outside, with Santa standing next to the Wisemen.
Santa, taking a break...
Keira and her new friend Dehlia (no idea where the name came from, but that popped immediately out when I asked her what the bear's name was).
Afternoon on Christmas day, bored already...
'Hooray, long underwear, just what I wanted...'

Busy bees. Lego to the left, Zoo Tycoon on the laptop to the right.

In the event that I don't get back to posting my videos before I leave in the morning, will do so next weekend when we're back. Hope everyone has a very Happy New Year!!! xoxo.

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