Thursday, August 30, 2007

Why can't there be 48, or even 72 hours in a day? It's Thursday evening, nearly the end of another week. I had at least thirty things I was going to accomplish today, in cyberspace and around the house, and I got to about five of them. Why can't I focus? Perhaps it's is because I am 100% ADD, which is becoming more apparent every day, or perhaps it's because I continue to be distracted once an hour with something on the internet. I laid in bed Tuesday night with my day planner and an empty notebook. I started to-do lists for every facet of my life. to-do, to-do, to-do. And today was the day I was going to get my ass moving. I had emails to write, blogs to update, to-do items to cross off the list, and other important things to do in the very short span of 'me time' I had today.

Instead, I wound up watching ridiculous videos on YouTube, downloading music, looking for my dream home (even though we don't have any specific geographic location we're working with), dream-shopping online (i.e. updating wishlists on my favorite websites), finding recipes on, and frivolously sitting here for the whole damn day, like Paris frigging Hilton waiting for her next engraved invitation to the LG Malibu Beach House. Oh yeah, I forgot one more important part of my day - getting the scoop in Hollywood gossip land. It's a vice, admittedly a really sad, pathetic one, but I do soooooooo love being in the loop (or at least thinking that I am). I have absolutely no idea what's happening in Iraq, or on the US presidential campaign front, but I can tell you that Kate Hudson is indeed back on the set of her new movie today :)

On the topic of up-to-the-minute reporting, I have decided to explore the amazing world of YouTube meets In doing so, I will now attempt to import a YouTube video and see what happens. Again, more silliness. Guess I have to finish this post and then start again. Back in a minute....

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