Thursday, August 30, 2007

So, now that I know the YouTube thing works (see my earlier posts of the day), I need to get the video camera out and do something with it. I always forget about it, unless there's a birthday party or some other rite of passage. Seems sad that when the kids are grown and gone, and we want to sit down together to watch some old home movies, there will be nothing but bday parties and Christmas programs. What about the day-to-day stuff? What about some good footage of Riley and Liam trying to beat the tar out of eachother? Or me, in the kitchen making dinner, screaming like a lunatic? Both of these scenes could have been shot today, btw. Video archives - another thing to get on my to-do list ASAP :)

Before I get going again, I have to step back to the last post (i.e. YouTube clip), where we addressed briefly the scary intelligence of the average American. Being American, I'm frightened. And curious to know why people's IQ's seem to be dropping at a very alarming rate. Is it possible to propose, instead, that the likes of YouTube and MySpaceVideo are just making it easier for us to see these morons? That perhaps they have always existed and not everyone had the capability to catch them in the act? And, on an unrelated note, I feel a strong need to comment on how the overall approach to 'America's funniest home videos' has changed in the face of the reality TV age. Remember Bob Saget (who, again off the topic, makes a fantastic cameo appearance in my new favorite HBO show, Entourage)? Bob didn't really ever want to hurt anyone's feelings or make them feel terrible about themselves, he just wanted to make people laugh. What happened to the good old days, man? The poor people being exploited on YouTube for the pleasure of others, ignorant as they may be, don't really deserve to be flogged for eternity for one screw-up, do they? In the end, I'm just totally perplexed by pop culture, internet pop culture in particular. Should I ramble more??
Oh, I also wanted to share with you a map that I found on a blog somewhere (I guess I should probably know where and list the artist as part of my official blog-bibliography, but I have no idea where I found it). It's really a nightmare of a statement, but I think there's an ounce of truth in it.

Geez, I hope that doesn't make me a bad American. It's really just a case of me passing on of information, no? And since I haven't lived in the US for ten years, it's really not my place to have an opinion one way or another on the future of America. I can say, however, that for someone living abroad, the US news and television programs people see on this side of the pond aren't always the most flattering. Who knows, European civilizations could be moving in the same direction, I'm just not local enough (or clued in enough) to recognize it. Since I officially came out of the closet earlier as a Hollywood gossip junkie, something I may have alluded to before, it's been established that I'm no geographic wizard or political brain trust. Just to clear up any confusion though, I do know where America is on a map :)

Ok, enough productive blogging for one session. At least I accomplished something today. Almost 1am and my eyelids are telling me it's time to call it a night. xoxo.

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