Monday, October 16, 2006

Dear BU,

Halfway through October already, can't believe it. Monday here in sunny Budapest. Yes, inexplicably still sunny. Hope I'm not jinxing it by commenting on the phenomenon, but it can't be helped. It has just been lovely, the last six weeks. Here I sit, typing my little heart out, while a bidillion things await my immediate attention. Laundry, Scholastic book orders, email, packing. Liam and I are headed to the US tomorrow for a couple weeks, back November 3rd. Bill brought his dad home from the hospital on Saturday, three weeks later, and then hopped on a plane back to Budapest. Liam and I will take the next shift and hopefully get him a bit further down the road to recovery. Talked to him yesterday and he is just so happy to be home.

Liam is struggling with the whole traveling thing, but I think he's excited to go. He keeps asking me if I will lose him in the airport??? Not sure where that's coming from, but as I told him, if I can keep track of three kids in the airport no problem, one will be a piece of cake. I have promised him that we will write down all our phone numbers and put them in not one, but three places, on his person. His request. Funny guy. He is extremely excited, however, about the prospect of trick-or-treating. Absolute foreign territory for him, as my poor children have never experienced this rite of passage. We just got his costume, a fabulous 'punk zombie' something or other. What happened to super heroes?

Actually, along those lines, Keira will be a Super Carebear. Her invention, in a way. We were searching for costumes online, and she found a Supergirl that she liked. Then she found a Carebear. I told her she had to pick one. We couldn't narrow it down, so I said 'what about a Super Carebear?' Thus, the concept was born, and it was sent off to the design department (i.e. my dear mother, aka Meema). You should see this thing....Bill just brought it back last night. Unbelievable rendition of a Super Carebear, as if there ever was one. Keira woke up this morning and was giddy with glee. Can you imagine that there are more than a billion children in the world who would just like to have safe drinking water - and then there is my daughter, who can just wish for, and receive. Makes me feel sad in a way, and yet blessed that she can live in such a bubble. Riley will be a 'zombie skater dude' - do you see a theme here? Gone are the sweet days of Buzz and Woody.

What else to report? Downloading some new tunes and a movie (High School Musical, still haven't seen it) to my iPod for the trip as we speak. Have I mentioned what an AMAZING thing the iPod is? I'm sure I have, but in case you missed it....go, run like the wind, buy an iPod!! I LOVE IT!!!! Kerry's 'hot stuff' download tips of the day:
1) new BareNaked Ladies (album BareNaked Ladies Are Me)
2) Sonya Kitchell
3) Imogen Heap
4) new Evanescence (back with a vengeance and better than ever)

Am wondering how long it will take me to max out my 60GB's. The new 80GB iPod was just released and is only $50 more. Bummer for those of us who purchased in August. Another great tidbit from me - I'm just full of them today - you can download movies to your iPod and then plug the iPod right into the TV with an iPod AV cable and watch your movies. Frigging genius, I tell you. Am going to take it to Baltimore and do just that with my photo library. Bill's parents are frightfully out of the loop when it comes to technology, so I have to find a way to make it user friendly for them.

Anyone asleep yet? Sorry, just get going on that tangent and there's no stopping me. So....what else?

Rome. How can I forget to mention Rome. When last we blogged, I was heading off for the weekend with the girls to Rome. Seems like a long time ago already after a week of being back to business. It was everything I dreamed of and more, and we didn't really get to much of the touristy stuff. We shopped, ate, drank, shopped, ate, drank, shopped, ate, drank - you get the picture. Had dinner Friday and Saturday on the Piazza Navona, which is something out of a movie. Watched my friends spend like mad and lived vicariously through them. Really, what would I do with Prada boots? Did buy my first pair of designer sunglasses. Saw a couple of amazing things, the Trevi Fountain, The Pantheon, etc.., but definitely need to go back with the hubby for a proper sightseeing visit. What a fabulous city. Girls and I have decided that no matter what, we should make it an annual event. Next stop, Barcelona.

Ok, think I will close for now. Am going to attempt uploading some more photos today, check out the 'McGann Photos 2006' link in 'view my entire profile'. Ciao.

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