Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Bonjour mes amis! Or should I say Ciao Bella? What's the news? Me - well, it's 11:56pm, I am out the door at 4:30 (i.e. getting up in like three hours) and on a plane at 7am to Rome. Too pooped to be excited at the moment, but guessing that once I get going I will be elated. There are four of us going, and I would imagine that I will be the one who has to keep the shopping to a minimum. I'm a Kohl's girl, probably always will be, but these ladies can shop. Piazza Venezia, the Colosseum, St.Peter's Basilica? Who needs all that? Problem is, living here leaves one a bit deprived in that department, so you really have to watch it when you get away for a weekend with the credit cards and no hubby. No chance in my going overboard, Italian clothes can only be made in Italian sizes, which are beyond small for my delicate frame :) Ok, I suppose I could manage to find a pair of sunglasses or something. Actually, I'm more excited to sit and watch the world go by than anything else.

News from Bill in Maryland is that his dad is (barely) holding his own at this point and is suffering more pinpricks, injections, iv's, etc.. than most people do in a lifetime. I talked to him today and it looks like he will be in the hospital for at least another week or so, so he will stay there and help his mom for now. It's one thing after the other - gall bladder, pancreas, liver, small intestine, etc., and they still don't know exactly what they're dealing with. I guess we will see how things play out and if I need to I will go when Bill comes back. They call these the golden years? Bill's dad just retired in July, what a deal. Anyway, keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

What else to report? The kids had their big 'L'Enduro' race at school today, which is alot of fun too watch, and yet after five years I haven't figured out what the real purpose is. They set up a big track and everyone has to run a certain amount of time, depending on their age. Parents, teachers, siblings, dogs, everyone joins in. It's pretty much anarchy. Riley and Liam had to run ten minutes, and they both did it. Riley is already stewing over the fact that next year (5th grade) he will move to the 20 minute bracket. Great concept, I always just wonder why they don't make it a fundraiser or something. The weather is still amazing here, I think everyone is on the edge of their seat dreading the cold, grey, inevitable, but we will take the sun for as long as we can get it. Keira still thinks it's summer time and refuses to wear clothes when she's at home. Not sure what to do with her, she is her mother's child. Just kidding.

Well, sorry for the short note, but if I don't get some sleep those double espressos will have to be triple, and who knows what that could lead to. Hope everyone is well. Drop us a line. xoxo. PS-check out my new Quack!Quack! blog to see pictures of my new baby. I know, this is getting a bit out of control.

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