Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Tuesday's Teaser - New Quality Programming

Please feel free to note a drop of sarcasm as you enjoy my ramblings today...

After a ten-day hiatus, guess we could say my blog is currently the biggest tease on the block. Sorry guys. If only I could find another sixteen hours in my day, I'd be in business. Going on 11:00pm, not sure how long I'll be hangin' out tonight. Just watched Glee and the Good Wife, two of only about five things I could be persuaded to sit down and watch on television in the Year of Our Lord 2010. Am now surfing sixteen MTV channels in the hopes of a glimpse at a music video, and thinking I have a better chance of being selected next season to compete on America's Top Model *gags loudly*. Stranger things have happened.

So, where we headin' tonight? Technically, I only have 54 minutes to tempt you with my teaser, and we're onto wacko-jacko Wednesday (absolutely no MJ joke intended - RIP, Baby).

Since I started in the direction of television, with the emphasis on the lack of quality thereof, why don't we stay there for a minute or 53?

Get ready folks, because on March 15th, just six short days away, Jessica Simpson will be bringing you a new VH1 reality show. Yep, get stoked. You can probably DVR it when you wake up tomorrow (I actually have no idea, as we don't have that capability here at Chez McGann). Once again, the ever-applicable question: What in the frickin' Hell is going on? Stumbled upon this one on accident via link from The Daily Beast, one of my favorite news, etc. websites, and made myself sit through 4 min and 25 seconds of the supertrailer. Turns out, there is absolutely nothing super about it.http://www.vh1.com/video/misc/490427/jessica-simpsons-the-price-of-beauty-supertrailer.jhtml#id=1633411

Upon further reflection, I have come up with the perfect Clockwork Orange-esque way to quit smoking. Someone (who will probably be Riley) only needs to make me sit in a room, smoking a carton start to finish while watching this show, eyes held open with toothpicks. After that, rest assured, the sight of a cigarette will remind me of Jessica and her deep-as-a-puddle bosom buddies, whereupon I will be physically ill and repulsed by the mere thought of smoking. Okay, it's actually nothing like Clockwork Orange, but you get where I'm going with it (i.e. response to visual images resulting in physical illness).

Okay, I will admit it, I did watch several episodes of Newlyweds on MTV back in 2003 or 2004. Will add the disclaimer that we were living in Budapest and had extremely limited tv options. I actually remember watching the sadly famous 'Chicken-of-the-Sea' conversation and saying outloud, who in their right mind would give this bimbetta a reality show? And...shocker... here they've gone and done it again.

I strongly dislike, for the most part, the nightmare that is reality television. The premise for this one is good thought. It could have worked on the Discovery Channel with a completely different host. Anyway, tune in and let me know what you think....

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